Exceptions To Filing For Unemployment For The Self-Employed

Being self-employed comes with a lot of unique perks. You want a day off, you just take it; you never have to ask a boss. You want to take a vacation during any time of the year, you can do that, too. If your kids' school calls with an emergency situation, you can drop work and run. The one major thing that does not work in your favor is unemployment. When you are self-employed and working as a freelance agent, you typically don't qualify for unemployment benefits. Read More 

3 Reasons To Consult A Lawyer Before Blowing The Whistle

The sheer number of whistleblower protection laws that have been enacted in both the US and around the world is enough to leave your head spinning when researching the protections that these laws provide. If this is not reason enough for you to seek out the counsel of a qualified whistleblower lawyer, the three reasons outlined below may help you to better understand why these legal services are so important when deciding to do the right thing and expose corruption. Read More 

FAQs About Filing A Disability Claim And Getting Legal Counsel

When a person becomes disabled and can't work, he or she has the right to file for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The conditions under which a person is approved and the amount of money he or she receives can vary by individual circumstances. The laws surrounding SSDI are complicated to understand for most people, so it's a good idea to find a person with experience in social security disability law to help file a claim. Read More 

The Importance Of Retaining A Foreclosure Defense Lawyer

When you buy a home, you need to keep up with your mortgage payments. However, if circumstances beyond your control may have caused you to fall seriously behind in payments, then you may now be facing foreclosure. While it may seem hopeless to fight it, you still have rights as a homeowner. You can make sure that you use the legal rights afforded to you by retaining a foreclosure defense lawyer. Read More 

The Means Test — Filing Bankruptcy While Earning A Good Paycheck

For those who have lost jobs or suffered health problems that limit their earning power, bankruptcy relief is often an obvious choice. But what about those who struggle with various financial crises while still earning a good paycheck? Is there a bankruptcy option for you? The answer is yes. Figuring out what those options are begins with something known as the means test. What is the means test? And how can you improve your chance of passing it? Read More