Tips for Creating a High-Quality Trademark for Your Startup Jewelry Business

If you have recently started a jewelry business and would like to obtain a trademark for it, then the tips listed below will help to ensure you create a high-quality trademark that will serve your business well: Tip: Create a Logo for Your Business that Is Unique When you are in the process of building your business's brand, it is important your customers immediately recognize your logo. And, in order to get a trademark for your name and logo, they must be unique from any other business in the country. Read More 

Important Dos And Don’ts For Anyone Going Through A Divorce

Nobody who gets married ever anticipates that their union will someday end in divorce, but unfortunately, a fair share of marriages today end in divorce. If you're in the early stages of separation or divorce, you may be feeling a bit uneasy about the weeks and months to come. Fortunately, by keeping a few basic dos and don'ts in mind as you go through this process, you can avoid creating additional problems down the road. Read More 

Three Scenarios Where Commercial Ligation Takes Precedence Over Civil Litigation

Litigation is the practice of filing a lawsuit against another party for a particular outcome and/or compensation. Civil litigation is often two or more private parties suing each other, whereas commercial litigation involves at least one business. Here are three scenarios where commercial litigation takes precedence over civil litigation. You Sue the Business You, as a private party, sue a business or something the business did or failed to do. You are taking on not just one person, but a whole company, which is a very bold thing to do. Read More 

Chapter 7 Won’t Stop Foreclosure, But A Modification Could Help

If you do not know where you are going to come up with the money you need to pay off all the bills and debts you have, you may want to consider evaluating Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This branch of bankruptcy could help you eliminate some of the debts you are having trouble paying; however, it will not stop a foreclosure. If you are facing a foreclosure, you may want to file for Chapter 7, but you should consider getting a loan modification first. Read More 

Three Employment Law Violations Small Business Owners Should Avoid

When you decided to start a business, you probably had no idea just how massive of an undertaking you were embarking on. As if the day-to-day operations weren't enough to focus on, it's also important that you be mindful of your interaction with your employees. Even one mistake could put you at risk of violating local and federal employment laws. Scheduling Breaks Incorrectly Surely, you understand that providing employees with breaks is important. Read More