Estate Planning For Young Parents: What Tools Are Needed

If you're just starting a family, you likely have a lot of things on your mind. It can be difficult to plan for the future if you have a busy everyday life, but it's important that you take the time to properly handle your affairs. It's recommended that you meet with an estate planning attorney like Wotitzky, Wotitzky, Ross & McKinley so that you can properly plan for future events. Take a look at the following information to better understand some of the essential planning tools for young parents. Read More 

2 Reasons To Consider A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Instead Of A Chapter 13

Filing for bankruptcy protection can be quite confusing, mostly because of the different types of bankruptcy available to you. Two reasons to consider filing for a chapter 7 instead of a chapter 13 bankruptcy are that it allows you to start over financially and it is a faster process. Start Over Financially The biggest reason to file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy is that it will allow you to get rid of the majority of your debts and start over. Read More