Family Lawyer Or Civil Lawyer? Deciphering Which One You Need When You Lived Together But Are Breaking Up

If you lived with your significant other for years without being legally married and now you are going your own ways, you may be wondering if you need a family lawyer to resolve some family issues. For example, if  you had children together and these children grew up in the home with both parents, do child custody laws apply? What if you shared a bank account and both of you contributed to it, even though one person made more money than the other? Read More 

Child Custody Mediation: 3 Tips To Help You Prepare For Success

When you and your significant other decide to get divorced, one of the unfortunate parts of the entire process is fighting for custody. It isn't easy, but many families figure out a way to make it work. Sadly, it takes a lot of compromise, patience and communication to get to that point. Many couples must use a process called mediation in order to get there. In mediation, a neutral third party is brought in to help couples reach a parenting agreement that they can agree on and is in the best interests of the child. Read More 

Ready To Open A New Business But Weary About Finances And Legalities? Hire Help Now

If you are ready to start a business and you have all of the knowledge needed in your industry, but not with the legal and financial aspects of the business, you want to get some help. Outsourcing some of the services that are required with managing a business is going to help you operate more efficiently, and it will help you prevent serious problems. Here are a few of the professionals you want to consult and hire before you start taking on work, and before you open your business. Read More 

What Can You Do To Fight A Tax Audit’s Results?

In a perfect world, you would never face an audit from the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS. In reality, it is possible that your return could be randomly selected by the agency for review. If it is and you are not pleased with the results of the audit, here is what you need to know.  Can You Appeal the Audit? The results of an audit are not final right away. You have a period of time following the audit to either pay up what the IRS claims you owe or file an appeal. Read More 

Trusts: Three Debunked Myths

Many people can benefit by having a trust put in place prior to their death or incapacitation. However, many of these people don't understand the benefits of a trust due to the many myths surrounding these legal agreements. Whether you have a large estate or a smaller estate, the following tips will help you decide whether you really need a trust, or whether you can allow your heirs to make decisions regarding the legal assets you leave behind. Read More