What To Do When An Auto Insurance Provider Hires A Private Investigator

After you have been involved in a car accident, you might decide that the other driver is at fault and you might file a claim with their auto insurance provider. Once you do this, the insurance provider will investigate your claim to determine if it is valid and may choose to hire a private investigator. If you are alarmed about this, you should discuss it with an attorney.

Why a Private Investigator Might Be Following You

Insurance providers claim that they hire private investigators to look for evidence of fraud. However, many insurance providers simply use private investigators so they can look for excuses to deny a valid claim. This is done with the goal of protecting the profits of the insurance providers. 

What a Private Investigator Can and Cannot Do

There are restrictions on what a private investigator can do when they are investigating your accident. For example, they are not allowed to intimidate you or to do anything that would lead to you being afraid. They cannot enter your private property. They are also not allowed to take photographs through an open window.

Instead, a private investigator will typically take photographs and record videos while you are in a public setting. For example, if you are grocery shopping or visiting a friend, a private investigator might follow you and look for evidence that you are not as injured as you claim.

Information the Private Investigator Can Access

Whether or not a private investigator can record a conversation depends on the laws of the state in which you reside. In some states, you must obtain permission before you are allowed to record a conversation. 

Information that you publicize online publically can also be used by a private investigator. For example, if you post pictures of yourself on a social media platform that is visible to the public, they will then be able to use this information to help the insurance provider deny your claim.

How to Respond

To increase the odds that you are able to reach a settlement, you'll need to work with a professional motor vehicle accident attorney. They will help you gather the evidence you need to prove that the other driver was at fault for the accident and that you were severely injured as a result of the crash.

With the evidence gathered, your attorney will then negotiate a settlement with the insurance provider so you can pay for your medical bills and replace your lost wages. Click here for info about motor vehicle accidents.
